Welcome to myGym’s documentation!

We introduce myGym, a toolkit suitable for fast prototyping of neural networks in the area of robotic manipulation and navigation. Our toolbox is fully modular, so you can train your network to control different robots in several envinronments defined parametrically. You can also create curicullum of tasks and test your network set of tasks with inreasing complexity. There is automatic evaluation and benchmark tool for your network. We pretrained the neural networks for visual recognition of all objects in the simulator. We constantly train networks to provide baselines for the tasks in the toolbox. The training is 50x faster with the visualization turned on than realtime simulations.


Mygym is now under construction


Modular Structure

We developed fully modular toolbox where user can easily combine the predefined elements into custom envinronment. There are specific modules for each component of the simulation. User can easily modify and add custom modules.



Citing myGym

  author = {},
  title = {myGym},
  year = {2020},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {},


Core team:

Michal Vavrecka, Gabriela Sejnova, Megi Mejdrechova, Nikita Sokovnin


Radoslav Skoviera, Peter Basar, Vojtech Pospisil, Jiri Kulisek, Anastasia Ostapenko, Sara Thu Nguyen


myGym: Modular Toolkit for Visuomotor Robotic Tasks

Indices and tables